We are mostly oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus - but in case you want more information see below.
I'm a psychologist who works primarily with medically unwell patients. I’ve worked a lot with cancer patients during and after their treatment (the field of Psycho-Oncology). I've also worked in drug addiction and general practice psychology. I work using CBT and also Schema Therapy (which is my favourite). I’m currently doing an internship learning how to treat adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa.
I completed a D.Psych (Health) at the University of Melbourne, my thesis was on lung cancer patient information needs and seeking. Because I'm a sucker for punishment I am completing a masters of clinical psychology where I met Amy. Below is a list of some research I've been involved in.
Oncology related research articles
Mulcare, H. Kashima, Y. Milgrom, J. Bishop, M. Wirth, A. Wheeler, G. & Schofield, P. (2013). Avoidant adjustment predicts lower information seeking in people with lung cancer. Psycho-oncology. 22 (3)540-547.
Mulcare, H. Schofield, P. Kashima, Y. Milgrom, J. Bishop, M. Wirth, A. & Wheeler, G. (2011). Adjustment to cancer and the information needs of people with lung cancer. Psycho-oncology 20 (5): 488-496.
Oncology related posters & conference presentations
Hulbert-Williams, N., Hulbert-Williams, L. & Mulcare, H. (2012). Measuring psychological adjustment to cancer : confirmatory psychometric analysis of the Mini-MAC in a UK and Australian cancer sample. Oral presentation at the 17th World Congress of Psycho-oncology, Brisbane Australia, November 2012.
Alexander, N., Bevans, H., Davies, S., Kessner, K., Mulcare, H., Stalker, L., Szendroe, A. & Wallace, E. (2012). Developing an allied health service in a new radiotherapy centre in Melbourne’s West. Poster presentation at the 17th World Congress of Psycho-oncology, Brisbane Australia, November 2012.
Mulcare, H. Poker, C., & Schofield, P. (2011). How many screened patients does it take to see a psychologist? Oral Presentation at the 16th World Congress of Psycho-oncology, Antalya Turkey, 16-20 October 2011.
Mulcare, H., Fox, C., & Schofield, P. (2011). “A bit scared to know too much, but wanting to know at the same time”: A qualitative study on the information needs in people with lung cancer. Poster Presentation at the 16th World Congress of Psycho-oncology, Antalya Turkey, 16-20 October 2011.
Mulcare, H. (2011). Referral patterns and client attendance to the Northern Health Oncology Psychologist: Implications for Supportive Care Screening. Poster Presentation at Supportive Care in Cancer Conference Melbourne 2011.
Non oncology related research
I worked as a research assistant at LaTrobe University's Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society. I ran stats for a few different papers listed below.
Pitts, M., Couch, M., Mulcare, H., Croy, S., Mitchell, A. (2009). Transgender People in Australia and New Zealand: Health, Well-being and Access to Health Services. Feminism and Psychology 19 :475-495.
Pitts, M., Couch, M., Croy, S., Mitchell, A. & Mulcare, H. (2009). Health Service use and experiences of transgender people: Australian and New Zealand Perspectives. Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review, 5 (3), 167-176.
Couch, M., Mulcare, H., Pitts, M., Smith, A. & Mitchell, A. (2008). The religious affiliation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex Australians: a report from the Private Lives survey. People and Place 16 (1).
Couch, M., Pitts, M., Croy, S., Mulcare, H. & Mills, A. (2008). Transgender people and the amendment of formal documentation: Matters of recognition and citizenship. Health Sociology Review 17 (3) 280-289.
Hillier, L., Mitchell, A. & Mulcare, H. (2008). ‘I can’t do both at the same time’: Same sex attracted youth and the negotiation of religious discourse. Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review, Vol 4 (2) 80-93.
Couch, M., Pitts, M., Mulcare, H., Croy, S. & Mills, A. (2007). TranZnation – A report on the health and well-being of transgendered people in Australia and New Zealand. Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University (2007). Monograph series no. 65.
I'm a psychologist who loves working with children and young people. The majority of my work has been with people who have experienced childhood trauma. I work from an interpersonal neurobiological perspective which integrates evidence based practice, attachment theory and brain based approaches to healing trauma. On a day to day basis this means I get to work with lots of play, art and sensory strategies.
I completed my post-graduate training at Swinburne University (Masters of Clinical Psychology). I've also undertaken a Graduate Certificate in Developmental Trauma with the Australian Childhood Foundation.
In research, I've worked in suicide prevention, adolescent mental health and health care implementation. Below is a list of recent publications.
Witt, K., Hetrick, S., Donaldson, A., Robinson, J., Pirkis, J. (in press) Working with the Suicidal Patient: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Emergency Departments. Evaluation of Pilot Implementation. University of Melbourne, DHHS.
Donaldson, A., Hetrick, S., Redlich, N., Spittal, M., Pleban, A., & Robinson, J. (In preparation) Youth Emergency Department Presentations for Self-harm: A File Audit Study.
Robinson, J., Donaldson, A., Witt, K., & Bailey, E. (2016). Best Practice Following Hospital Presentation for Self-Harm: A Rapid Literature Review. Orygen, Melbourne.
Robinson, J., Donaldson, A., & Hetrick, S. 2016 Development of a better practice hub for suicide prevention. Orygen: Melbourne.
Robinson, J., Donaldson, A., Hetrick, S., Rice, S., & Bailey, E. (2016) Guidelines for Project Synergy: Development of a Set of Medico-Legal and Ethical Guidelines. Young and Well CRC, Melbourne.
Donaldson, A.E., Gordon, M.S., Melvin, G.A., Barton, D.A., & Fitzgerald, P.A. (2014) Addressing the Needs of Adolescents with Treatment Resistant Depressive Disorders: A Systematic Review of rTMS. Brain Stimulation, 7, 7-12