39 - Improving the performance of professional athletes. Sports psychology and mental conditioning with Michael Inglis

39 - Ever wondered how athletes improve their mental game and stop cracking under pressure? Or would you like to know how you could improve your own performance in sport (or anything else)? Then this is the episode for you. Hunter chats to Michael Inglis, sports psychologist and co-founder of The Mind Room https://themindroom.com.au/ about a mental conditioning program he runs for athletes. Michael has worked with professional athletes from many different sports including AFL, rugby, soccer and cycling and has a wealth of experience. The episode wraps with a food orientated Things We Came Across discussion of being “hangry” and orthorexia.


Feeling Hangry : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29888934

Orthorexia : https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/other/orthorexia

39 - Improving the performance of professional athletes - with Michael Inglis
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Michael Inglis