28 - Schema therapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder - with Chris Hayes
/In this week's pod we chat with Chris Hayes, clinical psychologist and advanced schema therapist. Chris talks us through common schemas and modes in Narcissistic Personality Disorder, therapeutic approaches and the challenges of this work. He also answers our varied questions about schema therapy for personality issues. As always, we finish up with things we came across - Hunter chats about emotional expressions and the World Cup and Amy confirms that clowns are creepy. Was anyone questioning that?
Recommended by Chris:
Scema therapy in practice - https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Schema+Therapy+in+Practice%3A+An+Introductory+Guide+to+the+Schema+Mode+Approach-p-9781119962854
Schema therapy: A practitioners guide - https://www.guilford.com/books/Schema-Therapy/Young-Klosko-Weishaar/9781593853723/reviews
World cup player portraits and world cup success https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167487017307286
The Haka
No such thing as a fish – Episode 221 World Cup
World cup road trip - https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/world-cup-road-trip/id1395793369?mt=2
Creepy clowns