Inside Out - 2SP on the School of Movies podcast

Exciting news listeners - Two Shrinks recently guested on the School of Movies podcast where Amy and Hunter were asked to come on and help discuss Pixar’s masterpiece that explores the function of emotions - Inside Out. This is a movie that therapists frequently refer people to watch to help them understand emotions. School of Movies is hosted by the fabulous Alex and Sharon Shaw and they do super in-depth analysis of films (check out their Good Will Hunting episode for a great discussion of therapy and trauma). In the Inside Out episode we have a really good discussion on the function of core emotions shown in the film : Joy, Anger, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - and of course we make sure that we relate things back to therapy and therapy processes.

The episode can be found at the following places:


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On twitter: @SchoolOfMovies

Two Shrinks on School of Movies Podcast
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson