52 - A day in the life of a psychologist working in cancer or paediatrics

Ever wanted to know what it is like to work as a psychologist who works with cancer patients? Or are you interested in how a psychologist works with children? Continuing on with the relaxed 2SP summer programming Amy and Hunter decided to interview each other and ask questions about the work that they do and expand on discussions that they have touched on in previous episodes. Clinically Amy and Hunter see eye to eye and are behavioural in approach but they work in different fields, Amy works with kids and Hunter with cancer patients in a hospital (psycho-oncology).

In the first half of the episode Amy asks Hunter all the questions she has wanted to know about working with death anxiety and seeing patients for brief interventions. Then at about 33 minutes the roles are flipped and Hunter grills Amy on how exactly she gets children to talk to her and other aspects of play therapy. So a good episode to listen to in parts, especially if your travel to work is 33 mins each way. Or if you only really like one host - then just listen to that part.

Hunter mentions these things:

Understanding adjustment to cancer by Brennan in the journal Psycho-Onclogy: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/1099-1611%28200101/02%2910%3A1%3C1%3A%3AAID-PON484%3E3.0.CO%3B2-T

Staring at the Sun - self help book on death anxiety (excellent - yes you should read it):


52 - A day in the life of a psychologist working in cancer or paediatrics
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson