63 - How to reduce anger

For no reason we can think of (COVID, US elections, lockdowns, 2020…), lots of us are struggling with anger at the moment. This episode we take a practical look at anger to help you know when you’re feeling it & what to do when it crops up. We talk about why it’s helpful to understand your anger and some steps to calm down quicker when it does.

As always we wrap up with things we came across, this time looking at just how little intervention is needed to stop cheating & why Hunter is in desperate need of a holiday to the Swiss alps.

Info on anger:

A stress inoculation approach to anger management by Novaco

A volcano in my tummy: helping children to handle anger by Pudney & Whitehouse

Starving the anger gremlin: A CBT workbook on anger management for young people by Collins-Donnelly


Do real & imagined barriers reduce cheating? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343256328_The_moral_barrier_effect_Real_and_imagined_barriers_can_reduce_cheating

Movie induced tourism

63 - How to reduce anger
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson