54 - Surviving a bushfire and coping after - with Danielle Graber

In this episode Hunter & Amy interview Danielle Graber, clinical psychologist based in Melbourne who has been working with people impacted by the bushfires. We recorded this episode a month ago but our chief editor (Hunter) has been unwell so we’ve been delayed with the release. Stay tuned for an episode on COVID and a light one for some distraction.


Danielle and her three therapy dogs

The bushfires over the Australian summer were devastating and have left many communities without their homes, businesses and safe spaces. We wanted to chat to a psychologist with experience working with bushfire survivors and helping in the recovery process. Danielle gives a great description of people’s responses to bushfires, talks us through treatment at different stages of response and speaks about the importance of community led recovery. She also gives an easy to understand overview of EMDR and runs us through how she integrates animal assisted therapy into her work.

In the midst of everything that’s happening globally, people are still recovering from the fires and could use some help. If you’re interested, please visit the links below. Danielle’s practice is also offering up to 6 free sessions without a mental health care plan for people impacted by fires on Thursday afternoons until the end of April. Contact 12 points psychology for more information.


www.12pointspsychology.com - information about psychological responses

How to access mental health support (including 10 sessions with a psychologist) if impacted by the fires - https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/subjects/how-get-mental-health-support

Neighbours in recovery facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/neighboursinrecovery/ - Get in touch with the group to be involved in coordinated, community based responses

Where to donate:






54 - Surviving a bushfire and coping after - with Danielle Graber
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson