73 - Why do we laugh?
/This week we’re returning to an everyday psychology topic and pondering why we laugh. In classic Two Shrinks style, we talk through four pieces of research: preschoolers laughing with their friends, personality and laughter, ridicule in family and funeral workers’ use of laughter.
As always we finish up with things we came across: Amy freaks out about robot-human interaction and Hunter delights in a letter to the editor.
Social Facilitation of Laughter and Smiles in Preschool Children
Do extraverts ‘like to laugh’︁?: An analysis of the Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ)
I Nearly Died Laughing: Humor in Funeral Industry Operators
Robot Humor: How Self-irony and Schadenfreude Influence People's Rating of Robot Likability
Designing Social Interactions with a Humorous Robot Photographer
Hunter’s book recommendation: In Moonland by Miles Allinson