83 - Coping with Exams

If you’re a student struggling to cope with exams or a parent supporting one, this episode is for you. Just in time for the year 12 exams, we’ve prepared a crash course on how to cope with anxiety in the lead up, on the morning of and during an exam.
Listen for practical tips, how to know when to take a break and ways you can calm down once your in your exam.

In this episode we cover how to cope:

During study periods

The night before/morning of an exam

During the exam

Afterwards if you have another exam

This episode of Two Shrinks Pod was sponsored by Calabash.
Visit https://calabash.courses/twoshrinkspod to access a free talk

83 - Coping with Exams
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

80 - This Episode Could've Been an Email

This episode we’re covering our professional gripes with a thin veil of science and talking about work research. Join us for a light-hearted, research based whinge about frictionless spaces for nomadic workers (or hotdesking), how meetings interrupt us, documentation makes us burnt out and just how judgemental we all are about email signatures. To wrap up, Hunter proves a point about windfarms to a random farmer he met on a plane and Amy waxes lyrical about comfort food.

80 - This Episode Could've Been an Email
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

79 - Sarcasm

This time on 2SP we’re taking a look at sarcasm through 4 research articles. How does it develop in childhood? Are some cultures really more sarcastic? Can make us more creative? And, can emojis help avoid awkward misunderstandings of sarcasm when we text?

After a delightful break with some sparkling shiraz, Hunter laments the impact of clutter on productivity and Amy talks about whether people feel more safely attached to their pets or their partners.

Sarcasm Research

The highest form of intelligence: Sarcasm increases creativity for both expressers and recipients (Huang et al, 2015)

Saying what you don’t mean: a cross-cultural study of perceptions of sarcasm (Blasko et al, 2021)

Emoji as a tool to aid the comprehension of written sarcasm: evidence from younger and older adults (Garcia et al, 2022)

Development of children’s ability to distinguish sarcasm and verbal irony (Glenwright & Pexman, 2010)


Romantic partners and four-legged friends: an extension of attachment theory to relationships with pets (Beck & Madresh, 2015)

The impact of office clutter on remote working: “I can’t work with all this stuff!” (Ferrari et al, 2021)

79 - Sarcasm
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

78 - I Didn't Do the Thing Today: Productivity Guilt with Madeleine Dore

Struggling to get anything done? Constantly torturing yourself over what you could’ve achieved if only you had a routine, stuck to a schedule, magically became a more productive, focused person? You’re not alone.

Join us for a chat with Madeleine Dore: Melbourne journalist, interviewer and creator of the Everyday Routines project.. She takes us through how to approach our days creatively, why we get stuck and how even the most prolific creatives battle with their routines.

Want to hear more from Madeleine?

We loved her book, I Didn’t Do the Thing Today: On Letting Go of Productivity Guilt:

You can find her interviews, podcast & other work at:

Her instagram is: @extraordinary_routines

78 - I didn't do the thing today: Productivity Guilt with Madeline Dore
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

76 - How to help your anxious kid

This episode we’re giving a crash-course for parents on how to help your child when they’re anxious. Amy talks us through what kids’ anxiety looks like, how to begin to calm things down and when to call in the experts. Listen for practical, doable tips on what to do when your kid’s anxiety is overwhelming them or you. To finish up, Hunter talks about and Amy is inspired by Twitter to talk through drop bear survival.

Parent resources:

Best bubble solution with a wand that’s attached to the lid: https://www.bigw.com.au/product/ultra-premium-amazing-bubbles-6-pack/p/789862
Books: The Whole Brained Child, Parenting from the Inside Out
Australian parenting programs: Tuning in to Kids, Bringing up Great Kids
ACF free parenting booklets: Connected Parenting, Mindful Parenting
A book for kids about anxiety & what’s happening in their brain: Hey, Warrior

Things we came across:
Holiday spending
Drop bear tracking

76 - How to help your anxious kid
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

73 - Why do we laugh?