80 - This Episode Could've Been an Email

This episode we’re covering our professional gripes with a thin veil of science and talking about work research. Join us for a light-hearted, research based whinge about frictionless spaces for nomadic workers (or hotdesking), how meetings interrupt us, documentation makes us burnt out and just how judgemental we all are about email signatures. To wrap up, Hunter proves a point about windfarms to a random farmer he met on a plane and Amy waxes lyrical about comfort food.

80 - This Episode Could've Been an Email
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

75 - How to Cope with Burnout and Emotional Exhaustion (For HCW)

We know how much healthcare workers have been through, are still going through. So for this episode, we wanted to help doctors, nurses and allied health clinicians deal with burn out and when it’s all too much. Join us to hear Hunter talk through how you know when you’re becoming burnt out and what can you do to deal with patients who push your buttons.

Because we’re creatures of habit, we finish with things we came across - Amy talks about why kids stick out their tongues to concentrate and Hunter examines the jealousy of dogs.


Jealousy of dogs

Kids’ tongue out concentration

75 - How to Cope with Burnout and Emotional Exhaustion (For HCW)
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

59 - Healthcare workers’ challenges during COVID-19

How are health care workers coping during COVID? On our final episode of the COVID series, we take a look at the issues facing healthcare workers. For the first time in many workers’ careers, we’re dealing with an issue that impacts everyone, including ourselves. Tune in for a discussion about issues like coping under crisis conditions, providing mental health treatment remotely, and what happens when your personal values or worries are different to those you treat.

As always, to wrap up we finish with a lighter chat about things we came across - what we’ll miss from lock down and how we knew we’d been in lock down too long.

Special thanks to the doctors who helped us prepare for this episode by sharing their experiences and concerns: Dr Eric Levi (@DrEricLevi), Dr Vyom Sharma (@drvyom), Dr Andy Tagg (@andrewjtagg) and Dr Lachie Hayes.

59 - Covid-19: Challenges for healthcare workers
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson