64 - Election Emotions: anxiety, catharsis and hope

This episode, Amy and Hunter talk shit about the US elections. After a long, stressful week anxiously watching, we chat about how we’ve felt, our top gripes from the past 4 years & why it’s ok to let it all out.

We all need to talk, process, feel everything that’s going on right now - hear why it’s important to let loose before we can move on.

Art installation of Trump’s 20,000 lies: https://www.timeout.com/newyork/news/a-massive-mural-featuring-20-000-of-trumps-lies-has-been-installed-in-soho-102920

Rudy Giuliani at Four Seasons Total Landscaping: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/nov/08/the-other-four-seasons-trump-team-holds-press-conference-at-suburban-garden-centre

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64 - Election Emotions: anxiety, catharsis and hope
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

03 - Identity & How it Changes in Relation to a Psychological Disorder (Schizophrenia, PTSD)

03 - On this pod we discuss identity and how it changes when someone develops schizophrenia or when they are traumatised and develops Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. We talk about the ways identity can change and how this can be related to symptoms/outcome. We have a pretty in-depth discussion that should be of interest to anyone who knows someone with schizophrenia or who has been traumatised, or if you have worked with anyone experiencing these problems. We finish up with our segment 'things we came across'. 

03 - Identity and how it changes in relationship to a psych disorder (schizophrenia, PTSD)
Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

The sound levels are a little off in this one - we got a second mic and in the excitement of setting it up we didn't adjust the levels properly. 

Article Links:

Trauma and identity

Schizophrenia and identity

Amputee envy

Espionage and psychopathology