67 - Podcasting in a Pandemic: The 2020 Review

We’re trying something revolutionary this year - a 2020 wrap up episode! Join us as we chat about psychs on film; how to cope with things like bushfires, lockdowns and irritations on the holidays and; the little ways the pod has impacted us this year.

Most exciting of all is a return, at about 50 minutes, of the gripe list, with everything from printer issues to uber eats (we know, we’ve been pretty wild this year). To finish it off, we chat about the toxicity of George’s Marvellous Medicine and question whether Hunter or Amy really have a gaming addiction.

We talked about episodes 51 - 66. Find them on:
Our website: www.twoshrinkspod.com/podcasts
Apple: https://tinyurl.com/Apple2SP
Google: https://tinyurl.com/Google2SP

TV shows:
The Simpsons: Season 5, Episode 9, The last temptation of Homer
Miracle Workers: Season 2, episode 7, King Cragnoor in therapy (clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At3I2qdlJfQ)

Gripe letters:

Personality & internet gaming disorder: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11469-019-00081-6.pdf
Toxicity of George’s Marvellous Medicine: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4467 

67 - Podcasting in a Pandemic: The 2020 Review
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

65 - How to Reduce Social Anxiety

Ever find yourself getting anxious about talking to new people, avoiding speaking in work meetings or overanalysing something you’ve said? Then this episode is for you. We chat about practical ways to start to work on social anxiety - calming yourself, challenging your thoughts and experimenting with new skills.

To wrap up the show Amy has a bone to pick with critics of cryving (driving while crying) and Hunter rhapsodised over the appeal of simple desserts.

Clark’s cognitive model of social anxiety

Clark’s cognitive model of social anxiety

65 - How to Reduce Social Anxiety
Dr Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

07 - Why Are Doctors in Training Stressed?

This week we talk at length about doctors in training and the high rates of stress that they experience. We've tried to give an overview of the literature and so it is a grab bag of articles looking at resilience factors, prevalence of distress, emotional coping strategies as well as emerging treatments. We then take a lengthy detour (or perhaps more aptly termed a cul de sac) into a discussion about what doctors and psychologists/psychiatrists wear in our segment 'things we came across'.

Hunter's articles:

Graduate entry medical students : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26498151

 CBT for perfectionism in medical students: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28397103

What not to wear (psychiatry attire): https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs40596-016-0611-2

Amy's articles: 

Potential predictors of distress in medical students: https://www.dovepress.com/potential-predictors-of-psychological-distress-and-well-being-in-medic-peer-reviewed-article-AMEP

(How) do medical students regulate their emotions: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5154027/

Doctor's attire (Korea) : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22445730

Doctor's attire (Hawai'i) : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=slippers+and+a+white+coat


07 - Why are doctors in training stressed?
Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

03 - Identity & How it Changes in Relation to a Psychological Disorder (Schizophrenia, PTSD)

03 - On this pod we discuss identity and how it changes when someone develops schizophrenia or when they are traumatised and develops Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. We talk about the ways identity can change and how this can be related to symptoms/outcome. We have a pretty in-depth discussion that should be of interest to anyone who knows someone with schizophrenia or who has been traumatised, or if you have worked with anyone experiencing these problems. We finish up with our segment 'things we came across'. 

03 - Identity and how it changes in relationship to a psych disorder (schizophrenia, PTSD)
Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

The sound levels are a little off in this one - we got a second mic and in the excitement of setting it up we didn't adjust the levels properly. 

Article Links:

Trauma and identity

Schizophrenia and identity

Amputee envy

Espionage and psychopathology

02 - Therapeutic Alliance when Working with Adults & Children, Dog & Cat People, Astronauts

Pod 02 - We discuss two articles looking at the therapeutic alliance between client and therapist. Hunter talks about a study with adults and how the alliance impacts on therapy outcomes. Amy talks about the differences/challenges in therapeutic alliance when working with children. We finish up with some interesting articles in 'things we came across'. 

Therapeutic alliance predicts outcome (adults) 

Therapeutic alliance and working with children

Dog and Cat People


02 - Do you get along with your therapist? Therapeutic alliance when working with adults & children
Hunter Mulcare & Amy Donaldson

01 - OCD & Disgust Proneness, Cancer Patients' Beliefs About Causes of Cancer, Analysing the Death Star for Weaknesses

01 - OCD & Disgust Proneness, Cancer Patients' Beliefs About Causes of Cancer, Analysing the Death Star for Weaknesses

Episode one - Amy talks about a study on Obsessive Compulsive disorder and proneness to feeling disgust; Hunter talks about cancer patients use of alternative cancer treatments and their beliefs about cancer causes. We finish up talking about the Death Star from Star Wars and procedures the Rebels could have used to analyse it's weaknesses.

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